Friday, January 1, 2010

Its a New Year!

Hello 2010, what will you bring to us this year? Will you treat us good, or wish we would have never seen you?
With a new year, comes new resolutions. Its a fresh start for our lives. Its like when you move into a new place or get a new car, you vow that you will take care of it and keep it clean. You and might, for a while, but as time goes on, life happens and things start piling up and getting messy again. Maybe not as bad as it use to, but not as clean as you wanted to keep it. If your like me, you get down on yourself for not keeping it as you had told yourself you were going to do.
That's what a new year is. A new beginning, of sorts for our lives. Maybe you resolve to lose weight, learn how to cook, catch up on your scrapbooking, stay better connected to long distance friends, keep up on chores around the house or little things like learning how to operate a DVD player (you know who you are, mom and dad!). Whatever is on your list this year, whatever great expectations you may have, this is the one I would say put at the top of your list. Resolve to Start Fresh Each day.
If we tell ourselves we are going to eat better, and we start out good, then find ourselves eating junk food a lot. Start fresh the next day. I think, for me, if I fail at a goal I have set for myself, then I pretty much give up on achieving it. If I keep the mind set that tomorrow is a fresh day, a fresh start to my goals, then I can go one day at a time.
No matter your goal for 2010, how big or small, keep in mind your will and determination to get it done. If you mess up or slack off, start new the next day, and stay the course.
Good luck to all who have set goals for the next year. We all will need it, as life will happen and things might get tough. Hang in there!

1 comment:

The Shindels said...

Great point, Lori. And if we commit each day to the Lord, asking Him what He wants of us, we'll be frustrated and disappointed a lot less. :o)

My goal for 2010 is to read the Word at least a little bit every day. I'm going to keep My Utmost For His Highest next to my bed in an attempt to do it. So often, I get caught up in every day stuff that I don't spend time with the Lord. I know that time with Him will only make me a better wife and mom as I become more like Him.

Happy New Year!