Monday, April 6, 2009

Sorry Zoe

I took this video last night. Adriana has it out for Zoe, and I think its because Zoe likes to lay on my lap in the evenings and Adriana doesn't like to share Mommy. Whatever the reason, the way she treats Zoe is uncalled for. She will just go up and hit Zoe in the face or pull her ears or tail, yank hair out by the fist fulls and so on. Anyway, I sit Adriana in time out when she does this and tells her to apologize to Zoe for hurting her. This method of discipline doesn't work real great, because she keeps hurting her. Anyway, I couldn't help but laugh at the way she was telling Zoe sorry last night. She kept getting in the cats face and telling her that she was sorry. Zoe had had enough, but it was still funny. Enjoy...

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