Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sneaky Little Man

Does this picture look familiar?

Yeah? Well Adriana had gotten into a red marker when I was laying down for a nap this summer. She NEVER gets into stuff, so that's why I kind of thought it was funny. I had wrote a blog about it when it had happened.
Well, you would have thought I would know better by now. When one child is really still and quiet in the other room, this should be a cause for concern. I was sitting in the family room messing with our camera, Adriana was watching something on TV and Paxton was back in Adriana's room playing. He had been so quiet and I was just getting up to check on him, and I hear him crawling down the hall. He enters the room with a HUGE grin on his face, this was what I saw....
He's such a little trouble maker. He thinks it so funny to get into trouble and he will sit and wait for you to look at him and then he will do something that he knows he's not suppose to. I don't know if this is one difference between boys and girls, because when Adriana was his age, when she would get into trouble, she would cry, she has such a tender heart.
Its hard to get mad at Paxton when he's getting into something he's not suppose to, because he just gives you the cutest little smile. This mishap was my mistake, since I wasn't watching him any better. I thought it was cute nonetheless.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

This is HILARIOUS! I think its funny that both of you kiddos did the exact same thing. I have several pics of Z getting into trouble too. He's like Paxton he thinks its funny when he gets caught. Too funny!