Monday, August 9, 2010

Gum, Gum, Gum

Adriana has been begging us for over a year now to eat gum. For some reason, I'm just against small children having gum. I don't ever remember having gum until I was in grade school. Two and three year olds have no need for gum, nor do they understand the concept. So, I have always been against it. A lot of people I know let their kids have gum and anytime we are around them and they get gum, Adriana just looks at me and asks if she can have a piece. Ryan thinks she should have had gum a long time ago. Anyway, I don't know what prompted me to let her get some today, but I did. I figured, she was old enough to understand not to swallow it, and I'm not worried about her taking it out and sticking it under furniture, so I caved today. I told her that while we were at Wal-Mart, she could pick some out. She was SO excited.

She picked Juicy Fruit, not the best, but its a start. She was so excited to try it. As you can see in the above picture. She put it in her mouth and chewed it for MAYBE 2 minutes and was ready to spit it out. She told me she really liked it, but wanted to wait until Daddy got home and she would chew some more.

I at least got to get a picture of it in her mouth, before it ended up in the trash can. She just thinks she such big stuff now. My baby is growing up.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I was the same way with them gum...until I realized that I could use it as a "bribe" for Zachary. He still LOVES it. It's amazing how much it bothers him when I tell him he can't have a piece because he was not listening. You were smart to wait so long because now she appreciates it. Loved the pics!