Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Little Man

My little man is getting so big. Its hard to believe that he is going to be 5 months in less than a week and a half.

He's got such a sweet personality and is really coming into his own.

He's sleeping about 10-12 hours a night, which is so great. He is also getting to the point where he can get his own passy into his mouth, therefore he isn't waking up as much at night.

He is starting to cut his two bottom teeth, which means drool and chewing, all the time.

He loves to smile, and his little grin, just melts my heart. What a sweet baby boy! He loves to smile at Adriana and watch her as she sings and dances. Nothing entertains him more than to watch her.

He is rolling over all the time and can do it so fast. I can set him on his back and turn around just a few seconds later and he is on his stomach.

I'm loving my little man and taking in all the moments, for they will be gone before we know it.

1 comment:

Mimi & Pa said...

Plus he has lots of sugar in those chubby sweet cheeks! What a cutie.