I have been meaning to write for some time now, but with the threat of a "big ice storm", I figured I would write in case our power goes out. They say its suppose to be pretty bad. I really don't put much stock in what weather people say, since they are wrong most of the time, but I do think we will see some ice out of the whole thing. The last time we had a big ice storm was in January 2007, we didn't get ice as bad as people in Springfield, but we had it bad enough that our electricity went out for a few hours. If that happens again, I don't know what we will do. It dawned on me today that if our electricity goes out, we won't be able to run any water, since we have a sewage lift pump. No flushing the potty, showering, brushing teeth, or washing hands, needless to say, we won't have many friends wanting to come by and save us, since we would be stinky and gross. Anyway, I guess I'll believe it when I see it.
On to a more pleasant topic, besides our odor. Adriana has really been talking a lot lately. She has been jabbering and telling us lots of things. She really can't say too many words still, but I think her vocab has picked up a few new words. She also has really gotten into learning sign language and has caught on so good to that. She is really becoming more and more like a little kid and outgrowing her baby ways.
Here are some random pictures taken within the last few weeks.
Adriana's Chocolate Goatee
Adriana sleeping. I thought she looked so peaceful
and that Dora's hair on her pillowcase looks like
it belongs on Adriana's head.
Me and my girls, none of which looked at the camera.
Zoe not so happy to have her sister so close.
Coloring with daddy.
I LOVE Adriana's curls! Don't ever cut them off! :o)
Where did you learn sign language? I've been wanting to start teaching Adon a few signs and thought you could point me in the right direction.
She has really loved watching the Baby Enstein video for sign language. There are also childrens books for sign language. When she was Adon's age I mainly taught her "more", "please" and "milk". I'm sure you can find some helpful hints on the internet too. Good luck!
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