This has a been a LONG week! I can't believe that it was on Monday when Ryan's parents left, it seems like forever ago! On Monday night Paxton came down with a pretty high fever. He was up ALL night long. He was a good baby for not feeling well, but he just didn't sleep. The next day, he still ran a fever and didn't nap. That night, he didn't sleep again! I was exhausted! Wednesday afternoon I took him to the doctor to make sure he didn't have an ear infection. Of course, he didn't. Which don't get me wrong, I'm glad that there wasn't anything wrong with him, but when you have to pay $30 for an office visit, you kind of hope they find something so that they will give him medicine to help him feel better and SLEEP! No such luck. The good news is by that afternoon, he didn't have a fever and he was so exhausted he slept great through that night.
Yesterday, Thursday, I had to go to the doctor for myself. I have been fighting this awful rash that appeared a little over a week ago. I pretty much knew what I had, and again, didn't want to pay $30 for an office visit and they do nothing about it. What I read about it, is that there is really no cure and it has to run its course for 6-8 weeks! Well, the itching was unbearable and the rash had spread throughout my entire body. I broke down and went yesterday. I was glad I went and I had what I thought I did, however, she gave me some good prescriptions to help with the itch. I have taken them today and haven't itched all day! Praise God!
Well last night, Adriana came down with a high fever out of the blue. She doesn't get sick too often, but when she has in the past, its normally a 24 hour bug and it hits her quickly, as this did. I wasn't too concerned about it. I drugged her up right before bedtime, but within an hour, her temp had gotten to 103.8 and she complained about her throat hurting. I sponged her off and she went back to bed. Around Mid-night she woke up throwing up, which lasted throughout the night. She's such a trooper and never cried or complained just said, after her vomiting, in a sweet voice "getting sick is no fun". She was such a good kid. She slept until 12:30pm today, when I finally went in and woke her up. Her temp was 104.7. I was quite nervous and called the doctor. they said it could be strep and took keep my eye on her. Last time I checked her temp was down to 101.8, so that's good that its coming down. hopefully the end is in sight. Lets just hope that Ryan isn't the next victim in our house of sickness!